Sunday, 3 January 2016

Happy New Year??

Sunday 3rd January 2016

Evening Folks!

So today I've been thinking a hell of a lot about my future and work and urgh. I don't like really thinking about jobs because I feel like I could've done so much more with my life by now, and I know that there's no changing that, as much as I wish there was, but I can't help feeling like that if I wanted to start a completely different career path I'm kinda screwed. I didn't finish my A-Levels, I'm 20 now so wouldn't fit in at all in college, and I can't go to uni without going back and doing exams to finish my A-Levels and I have no time to do that, see my issue...

I have no idea what I want to do with my life, right now all I can think about it travelling, getting married, drawing and kitty cats. My head feels overwhelmed at the moment and I'm not sure what to do about it. Don't get me wrong I don't hate my job, but I by no means love it or look forward to Mondays! All we seem to do right now is worry from pay day to pay day, plod along, pay bills and yeah our evenings are super cute and cuddly and when we have days off we go on little adventures and have fun. But I want to whisk Freya away, go on adventures, pack up and drive all through the night, living out of the car, taking the cats on hikes in little harnesses, live in nature, look forward to waking up and living each day differently. One day, eh?

Hey, It's a new year, with many things to come, you never know what'll happen. Don't forget to pay your rent! Start the year off right!  Tis the season for health kicks and gym memberships, but don't pressure yourself to change like that, straight away and rushing to "better" yourself. Do things gradually, plan out, research, invest your time properly. Make your resolution to be happy, to change and alter things to make you happy, not to conform to others, and what they think will work or make you "better". Long story short, just try and make 2016 that tiny bit better than last year but focusing on making yourself more comfortable in your life, and yourself. That's hard I know, but through trying you'll make yourself that little bit happier day by day. 

Take time to appreciate nature, go for a walk, stand in the rain, go for a picnic in the car to the middle of the forest, do whatever you can to make life more raw, simpler and meaningful for you.

Have a good week kids! You can do this. 

Todays Bird of The Day is the Tawny Owl -
The tawny owl is an owl the size of a pigeon. It has a rounded body and head, with a ring of dark feathers around its face surrounding the dark eyes. It is mainly reddish brown above and paler underneath. It is a widespread breeding species in England, Wales and Scotland but not found in Ireland. Birds are mainly residents with established pairs probably never leaving their territories. Young birds disperse from breeding grounds in autumn.