Thursday 27th November '14
Hey Lovelies!
Hope you're all okay today. I've had a bit of a sick day, been throwing up and just pretty unwell, but Freya has been taking good care of me! We've stocked up on lucozade and chocolate and had a lovely roast dinner for tea. So pretty much today has been a lazy one, we wandered into town for a bit of fresh air and grocery shopping, then came home and I had a little nap, played some video games and then this evening we re-dyed our hair with a top up and painted our nails. It's these little lazy days and evening in that I like the most! I mean, I get to curl up and be looked after by my little munchkin, yeah feeling poorly is crappy, but it's nice to have a little rest I guess :)
I'm feeling kinda soppy today, probably being ill isn't helping, but I'm so happy. Yes, I don't have a job at the moment and some other things could be better, but hey, so many things are incredible. I have a wonderful fiancee by my side, I have an amazing family who support me no matter what, I have a roof over my head, food in my belly and clothes on my back I just feel comfortable. I mean, I live with Freya, spend pretty much every hour with her and we ne
ver run out of things to talk about or get bored of each other and I know that sounds silly, but I'm just so happy. We can sit in silence for hours and feel as comfortable and content as we would if we we're speaking for hours. But yeah, I'll stop rambling but I'm happy, as I may have mentioned...
Due to the soppiness here's a little something that I wrote...
Eye sight’s a funny thing isn’t it.
It can change so much and control it too.
But until I met you, my sight was merely for seeing.
Not for feeling.
It was for seeing oncoming cars, street lamps flickering.
It was for identifying the time, words, all things that come naturally.
But now, now it is so much more.
My sight allows me to feel secure.
When I look at you and see you gazing back, that’s safety, that’s love.
When I turn to see the small of your back, I feel warmth.
When my eyes trace over every curve and scar upon you, I feel forever.
My sight has never been so important to me.

Oh and for anyone who is searching, some of the best sites I've found to look for jobs are:
There are many more but there are a few for you incase you need help getting started! It is also very important to keep your CV unto date and have a Cover Letter that you can adapt to any job you apply for. You're around 85% more likely to be considered for a job and get an interview if you attach, even a small, cover letter. It allows the employer to realise that you have taken the effort to read actually acknowledge the job you are applying for rather than just sending your CV out to any job going. Even if you do apply for any and every job, make sure you make slight changes to make it apt for the job. Such as if it is in a busy office/ customer environment, saying something like "I have the ability to multi-task and work in a fast-paced environment. I possess excellent critical thinking, reading, writing and verbal skills and I am able to listen to employees and staff to maintain good communication, using excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to work with any customers to help and make them feel welcome by providing a friendly environment." Even just something short and snappy to get there attention rather than having to go all the way through your CV to find something interesting or important to them. Having a snappy like in there makes them more interested.
Fun Fact!
Something great to put on your CV is that you were voted 'Person of the Year' '06 - It's true!
In 2006 Time Magazine, for their "Person of the Year" Award voted for 'you' meaning everyone worldwide! So big yourself up a bit!
This is an Eastern Screech Owl --->
These supremely camouflaged birds hide out in nooks and tree crannies through the day, so train your ears and listen for them at night.But anyways, still feeling poorly sick so going to head to bed for an early night and hopefully shake this off! Might be going to the cinema tomorrow, and try not to get caught up in the Black Friday Sales! Oh and if you're in America or celebrating it today - Happy Thanksgiving!
Stay safe and speak soon folks!
(See I promised I'd try and get back into this) :) x
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