Monday, 28 December 2015

It's been almost a year...

Monday 28th December '15

Woah, so I guess it's been almost a year since I last posted a blog post.
Whoops! So, so, so many things have happened. I think I've just been so caught up in everything, changing of jobs, houses, all sorts. Things have been up and down and now I'm feeling sorta settled again and have really missed posting little ramblings on here. Also sounds like you guys have missed it too, so here it goes. Let's give it another go!

The last post I wrote was in February this year and now were just days away from welcoming in 2016. Seems pretty apt that now is a time to "change yourself', "make resolutions" and that's not the reason behind starting up this blog again, but it sure kinda gives me the motivation that I'm definitely lacking after stuffing my face full of roast dinners the past few days! I hope that you have all had a very Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays/ whatever floats your boat!

The most significant thing that has happened this year was in June!
On Saturday 4th June '15 we moved all the way from Canterbury, Kent to Warrington, Cheshire. We moved our entire lives 260 miles up north. Why? I'm from here originally and we wanted to be up north near my family, Freya had just finished Uni and got an amazing job up here, so why not eh! My dad drove with us, hired a moving van and off we went! We have to transport all of our little loves and man, I still think back and worry that we left lots of things behind, but hey ho, we're not going back down there any time soon! We now officially live on our own. Just me and Freya and the fluff babies. That's it. It's WONDERFUL! Honestly, I knew it'd be amazing to live on our own, but now it has finally happened, It's incredible and so relieving. 

So we now live on our own, not exactly on our own... Not so long after moving in, and both of us having cats at home before leaving home, we missed having little meowing creatures around so much, we adopted two little boys! They're called Loki & Mol (Mjölnir - like Thor's hammer)! They are our little angels and are incredibly affectionate! Mol is the little Tabby boy and Loki is the blue-eyed Siamese. They are both 4 years old now and have come so far. There is a pretty cool story behind them. We found them on Pets4Homes, spoke to their owner and went to meet them, we fell in love with them instantly. They are actually stray cats from Spain, who were feral. They were rescued from the streets from locals over there and fed and loved, they noticed that these two boys were inseparable and via a charity over there called San Animal Sanctuario were transported over here to the UK to go and live with the lady we got them from, she has many cats of her own, but also works with the charity to help foster them out to loving homes and get the adopted into their fur-ever homes. We brought them home and for the first 3-4 weeks they just didn't appear from behind the sofas, that was until we'd go to bed, then they caused havoc running about downstairs, but we loved knowing that they'd come out to play. Eventually Loki would come and have snuggles whilst Mol was still very nervous. Now, Lord, you sit down and before you could even switch the TV on they'll both have jumped up onto your lap and be fast asleep within seconds. It's so wonderful to think that these guys were strays and now they love cuddles and cannot leave us alone, even Mol is a big softie now. They love each other so much and have been as good as gold, apart from Mol disappearing for almost a week and giving us both heart attacks, they've been amazing. 

The summer months between now and then have consisted of us both starting new jobs and time being spent with family and having a mini break to the Lake district, just settling into northern life and making our house a home. It really does feel like our sanctuary now. We live close to the lakes now and so many beautiful places to go exploring and for walks. It's so nice to be able to spend time together, not stressed about housemates etc and just enjoy life, just us.

Over the past few months I've started my new job, Freya has graduated from University, she has turned 21 and I have turned 20! Lots of little things have happened and I'm so glad that now I'll be able to share more of these little things as they happen with you.

About 2 months ago we welcomed another little Lyon into our family. Having been in constant contact with the charity in Spain and the fosterers - we had a total of 4 cats brought over from Spain. Two little kittens for my grandparents, one for my parents and one for us. We chose to us the charity again as unlike in the UK and many other places they do not have anything like the RSPCA etc to help stray animals. So this is Flor, she is just over a year old and the most affectionate little girl you could ever imagine! She spoons us as we sleep, she is such a cutie pie, our little family feels complete with her here. We still need to improve how her brothers chase her around the house but we are so happy! Sadly though our little darling hamster Chubbs passed away from old age, we miss her dearly.

I'm trying to think of other things that have happened, I'm sure I will fill you in as and when I remember! Its now less than 6 months until we get married, I cannot wait!! In 6 months time she'll be my wife, our family will be more and more complete.

So I'll leave you with a Bird of the Day!
Jays are several species of medium-sized, usually colorful and noisy, passerine birds in the crow familyCorvidae. The names jay and magpie are somewhat interchangeable, and the evolutionary relationships are rather complex. For example, the Eurasian magpie seems more closely related to the Eurasian jay than to the Oriental blue and green magpies, whereas the blue jay is not closely related to either.

I'll speak to you soon guys! Have a wonderful day! 

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