Thursday 23rd October '14
Ahoy Hoy! (that was the intended greeting when answering the phone) Fun fact of the day eh! So I hope you're all okay! Today has been another kinda busy one, work from 10am-7pm and man it gets dark early, plus the clocks go back an hour at the weekend - don't forgot!Today has been a bit stressful, trying to sort out things left over from a pervious house, and also this house! So I've been feeling a bit all over the place, but at least work has kept me occupied, and thank goodness it's all been sorted out now, I cannot tell you the relief that I am feeling! Let's move on and get on with things, no use dwelling and when things get sorted out, make the most of it and progress with yourself and with life!
Sometimes things really do get tough, tougher than you could ever have imagined but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and yea thats cliche but it's true kiddos!

When I got home I wanted to cuddle up with our teddies too but I didn't know which one to pick, then it occurred to me we have way too many... Like look - I took a photo of just the ones that we have out in our room, and goodness, I think we have enough! Some are new some are all, but all are loved and no matter what anyone says, maybe they really do come to life like in Toy Story. Shhh, I'm allowed to believe that! Today really is going to be a short one as I'm completely knackered from working pretty late, that's nothing on tomorrow though, I'm in from 12pm-9pm.
So one more day of work tomorrow, then off to Brighton where the missus is originally from for the weekend, just to have a little bit of time away and also spend some time exploring and going shopping! We all need that sometimes. I can't wait and then on Saturday it's 2 weeks until my 19th birthday, and then were going back up north to see all of my family for a whole week, we have more tattoos booked in and I just can't wait, that's what's keeping me going right now and I really want to skip ahead to there right now, I miss my family so so much.

Today's bird of the day is going to be, a Magpie.
Magpies seem to be jacks of all trades - scavengers, predators and pest-destroyers, their challenging, almost arrogant attitude has won them few friends. Non-breeding birds will gather together in flocks. There Latin name is Pica Pica, they are found across the whole of the UK, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Island and you'll be able to see them all year round.
Night Night lovelies it's time to go and snuggle in bed and go and play the Sims 4!
Catch you Later!
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