Saturday 18th October '14
So today's been a weird one... I guess a first day back at work always is.
But hey - it's a Saturday, that means dress down and well, this selfie a day might become a thing too.
Getting settled back in at your desk - vigorously cleaning it as said desk is filthy because someone decided to sit there whilst you were away. Repeatedly again cleaning said desk as god knows who sat there/ what they did/ eew was it that weird guy who sits with his hands down his pants, oh god maybe it was him, oh lord. But anyways besides the point - I work mainly on the telephone and if my mind being pre-occupied on the dirty desk wasn't enough, I was then stumbled when it came to answering the phone... "um hi" was the first thing I blurted out before my mind automatically reverted back to "work mode" and began spewing out generic "drilled into your head and never to be forgotten" scripts that seem to spin around my head when they needn't be there but the one time they do, like a lot of things I guess, "um hi" decides to make an appearance. Aren't I such a professional!
Along with the whole desk malarkey found out today that due to a team switch over I will be moving desks... "how wonderful" was obviously my first reaction, now I had to clean that one and get it fully organised and rearranged and, no no no, it isn't next to the window! I don't know about you but the one escape from an office environment, besides standing outside with the smokers on your break, trying to disguise your spluttering at the smoke as a tickle cough, it being there to gaze out of the window as the traffic flies past and people watch as you wait for a call to come through or even to just zone out whilst people ramble on at you. You had that freedom, to just alienate yourself in an instant. But now, I have to re-establish myself, this is going to be harder than it sounds. But change is good right?
"Dear Mr Window Seat, I hope your next occupant fully appreciates your skills and abilities as much as I do, I shall glance over as I walk past you on my way into work, but I won't think too much about you as this is hard enough for both of us without any added stress. I miss you dearly, I hope life treats you well. So long - Your Once Faithful Occupier."
Wow... That went a little bit further than I imagined. So I guess I loved that window seat in all its glory, I mean the same can't be said for aeroplane seats, but let's not go into that today! For both mine and your sakes!
Besides from work today I ate spaghetti hoops, called my parents for a chat at lunch (I miss them so much, they're still up North, but I see them soon for my birthday), snuggled with the hamster and my girl, that's all you need in an evening really! Oh and Freya cleaned the entire kitchen whilst I was work, I mean if that isn't something to come home to I don't know what is, that was such a relief!
I was almost too sleepy to write this but, I guess once you stop you can't pop, no wait... In all honesty I'm knackered and I'm surprised I'm still awake! But at least I have tomorrow off work - god, it's my first day back and I already have a day off!
But hey guys, I saw this today and I loved it - because come on, some days it is so ridiculously hard to pull yourself up and out of bed, and I mean even if you don't manage to do a whole lot, you've done so well to even just accomplish the tiniest of tasks. If all you have done today is lay in bed and surf the net or read this then, hey you, I'm proud of you!
So munchkins, even if you just do a few of those things today you have accomplished great things! Tomorrow you may manage more, or even less, but no matter how few or how little, well done.

So there we go, another day gone.
I'll see you again tomorrow, stay safe, stay cool and most of all stay you.
Have a lovely day kiddos!
Catch you later.
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