Wednesday 22nd October '14
Howdy! It's that time of the day again! As you may have gathered I've been at work all day, a 9:30am-6:30pm shift today and dude todays been hard. I woke up feeling drained and lost and well, the opposite to what you want to after an alright nights sleep eh!I've been sleeping pretty well recently and I dunno I had that thought as when I was watching a documentary there was a stat that made me wonder, it was that "2,400 people are currently living hopeless in the UK (people whom of which are accountable for)" Now I know that figure doesn't sound like that many at all but also that homeless figure is a 37% increase from last year, that's crazy!
I mean I know things can be hard sometimes, but at least I've got a roof over my head and if times are tough I'm am surrounded by people who are able to support me and that's incredible, I really will never stop feeling lucky that I am able to say that I'm in that situation! If you are the same as me then make sure that you do appreciate that, because that may not be there always, or never there for some people. Today's going to be a shortish one as I've been very busy!
<--- Look at the cat!
Oh and below is another one of my favourite comics, especially I have had quite a few comments in the past about the size of my thighs, and yes, they're muscly, but in no way are they big! I've been kickboxing for just shy of 6 years, and yes, that involves lot's of kicking, so yes, that will therefore increase the size of my thigh muscles. To those people who believe that it is "fat" then they best be thankful that I don't have a watermelon on me most of the time as this would be my first reaction. I love my body and I am proud of it and you will not change my mind. Maybe I should start carrying around large watermelons...
Oh and before I pop off I would like to also share with you an unconventional love letter that I wrote to my fiancee. I hope you like it?
Love isn’t just the sound of the birds singing in the mornings,
It’s equally the way you squeeze my hand as you see a tiny bird lifeless at the side of the road.
It’s not being made breakfast in bed on cosy Sunday mornings,
As much as it’s the crumpets that are still cold in the middle but you’re too polite to say so.
It’s part and parcel of all things.
Love can be pretty crap.
Really it can be, and not in regards to it being something that should be avoided.
Dear lord it’s incredible,
It makes you want to scream with pride,
But equally burst with pain,
When the words just won’t leave your mouth,
When you aren’t given the chance to explain,
When you think you’re doing the right thing,
But god, it’s the complete opposite.
It’s difficult,
But love is something that if it’s true, it shows.
You could be fighting and arguing so much it seems like it may never end.
But love is that tingle in your chest when, even if they’re shouting, never goes away.
The serious conversations that are broken with side glances and funny faces.
Everything is made up of it.
Man, it’s annoying as hell,
But at the same time, makes it the best feeling imaginable.
I was asked to write an unconventional love letter, and I don’t think I’ve done so well, but I’m sorry.
We’re both hurting, we both have red eyes and tear stained cheeks,
I’m not romanticising pain, the opposite.
It’s the worst.
To not know what to say to your sweetheart when you need to most.
Wanting to run a mile and jump into the sea but also curl up beside them,
It’s a horrible in between,
I’m not questioning my love.
Just my judgement.
I can’t judge you sometimes,
It seems like your so distant,
But every single time we feel this way,
We are drawn back,
That’s love, that’s all I care about.
So that’s it I guess.
Dude, you’re crazy as hell sometimes,
But I’d never change that.
Just don’t forget.
We may be crazy and we may be lost. But we’re lost together and I hope that’s enough for you, Because that’s plenty for me.
An unconventional love letter?
Here are some links to my social media platforms too incase you were interested to follow me :) -
Instagram - HannahLy0n
The Finacee's - Instagram
Last but not least cherubs, it's time for bird of today, todays choice is...

Anway, Time for bed and I shall see you tomorrow!
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