Monday 20th October '14
So you all know what day it is! Happy Monday!
Well, hopefully it's happy one for you - even if you're sat there on a constant drip of coffee and losing the will to live even though you've only been awake for 5 minutes, then that's okay!

So today was the day... I moved desks, it finally happened and it's worked out a lot better than I first thought! So long story short, to be honest, the desk I was supposed to be moving too the computer there was broken, so I was then moved to another one and oh my gosh yay, right at the back of the office, next to the window and so nice and quiet! I cannot describe how happy I am, I spent the majority of the morning cleaning it yes, but lord it was filthy! Not anymore though it's pristine! Then the panic washed over me "this isn't permanent, this is temporary" and seriously that was scary, I know that sounds stupid, I know that but it's ridiculous how pathetic I am! But along with a desk change we changed managers, and he is lovely! He brought me a can of red bull as I had just finished mine, when something was sold or done well I got high fives or hugs and he is just wonderful. I know that sounds cheesy and what not but, it's lovely to actually be praised for doing good work as apposed to it going unnoticed. Oh and he's let me stay at this desk. He is now my favourite! There's that saying isn't there, that goes "A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected". Hopefully I can prove that?
So I'm maybe a litre bit too happy about such a little things, but it is the little things that matter! Oh and I did say "long story short, maybe not".
Oh and if you don't feel appreciated, then you are, even by people who don't show it, they may not know how to, but even if you don't believe that - I appreciate you, you're incredible and you are here now and even if that's a struggle, look, you're doing it!
The most important things can sometimes only be the smallest and it's important to remember those, even just taking 20 minutes in a day to sit down and read or have a cuppa, even to call your parents, or friend or family member, and tell them how crap your day was or how shitty one of your colleagues is. To just do some of those little things can be much more relaxing than just trying to hold it in and hope that it disappears, and even if you don't feel like you can talk to anyone then I'm always here!
Life really is beautiful and it can take a while to realise that, but it truly is! Please don't give up and if you're feeling not so good today, then this is your sign that someone is think about you and believes in you, yes you, you're awesome!
I'm struggling to write today and I think Monday's just drained me, well I need to up for 6:30am tomorrow morning, and the prospect of that, let's just not think about that now shall we.
Okay kids, that's enough for today I think, I'm spewing out nonsense as it is so let's not do much more!
Bird of the day today shall be... *drum roll please*

You'll probably always see them hopping around car parks! They are found mainly in Europe, UK and Asia! They love eating insects and also seeds in Autumn and Winter. You hardly see them on their own as they tend to stay in flocks of around 20 birds, and they're extremely noisy!
That's all darlings!
Stay safe and have a lovely day!
Speak tomorrow!
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