Sunday 25th October '14

Wassup! Today is going to be a quick one, and I mean quick! We had a lovely lie in this morning and went for another wander around the Laines in Brighton before grabbing some bubble tea and driving back to Canterbury in the afternoon! So since getting back I've spent the day cleaning and tidying and making dinner so it's late now and especially since it feels an hour later than it is, due to the clocks going back by an hour! I'm in work at 8am tomorrow until 5pm - as much as getting up early is a pain at least I'm finished with enough time to actually so something in the evening! But in the morning we're going to get up nice and super early to go to the gym to start off our day - so that means a 6am rise tomorrow morning, again, hence the short blogpost today!
Hopefully work will be kind to me tomorrow and not too many difficult customers! Fingers crossed eh!
Side note- I wish we had a Peals Bubble Tea here in Canterbury, it's out go-to place whenever we're in Brighton!

Anyways Lovelies! I hope that your Sunday has been okay, if you've been exploring, to church, shopping, seeing family, or even just stayed in bed and had a netflix marathon, I hope that you are okay and you have had a lovely day!
I'm nervous to head back to the gym tomorrow but I'm so keen to get back in shape and tone up again, I used to got kickboxing 3 times a week but since moving to Canterbury haven't been exercising as much, but nows the time to get back into the routine of building it into my day.
Plus with working for a big company I get employee discount at the gym to makes going a bit more of an incentive, and less expensive.
My head is a bit busy tonight, lots of thoughts and worries and planing going on for things that I don't really need to be thinking about constantly but hey ho, that happens sometimes!
Have some pretty photos and stuff... Words aren't happening that easily tonight!
Randomness is good sometimes, and I do apologise for the mismatched post!

Todays bird of the day is going to beeee... The Buzzard!
Now the commonest and most widespread UK bird of prey. It is quite large with broad, rounded wings, and a short neck and tail. When gliding and soaring it will often hold its wings in a shallow 'V' and the tail is fanned. Birds are variable in colour from all dark brown to much paler variations, all have dark wingtips and a finely barred tail. Their plaintive mewing call could be mistaken for a cat.
So stay safe, have a good nights sleep, or a good day, whichever is applicable to you!
Please come back again soon, I promise to be more interesting one day!
Night Night - Sleep Tight! :)
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