Just some daily ramblings about my nonsensical life, what I get up to on a day to day basis, work, travel, love, cleaning (maybe a bit too much) and adventures. I aim to write a blog post everyday! Whoever you are and wherever you are - I hope you have a sweet day!
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Sunday 25th October '14
Hopefully work will be kind to me tomorrow and not too many difficult customers! Fingers crossed eh!
Side note- I wish we had a Peals Bubble Tea here in Canterbury, it's out go-to place whenever we're in Brighton!

I'm nervous to head back to the gym tomorrow but I'm so keen to get back in shape and tone up again, I used to got kickboxing 3 times a week but since moving to Canterbury haven't been exercising as much, but nows the time to get back into the routine of building it into my day.
Plus with working for a big company I get employee discount at the gym to makes going a bit more of an incentive, and less expensive.
My head is a bit busy tonight, lots of thoughts and worries and planing going on for things that I don't really need to be thinking about constantly but hey ho, that happens sometimes!
Have some pretty photos and stuff... Words aren't happening that easily tonight!
Randomness is good sometimes, and I do apologise for the mismatched post!
So stay safe, have a good nights sleep, or a good day, whichever is applicable to you!
Please come back again soon, I promise to be more interesting one day!
Night Night - Sleep Tight! :)
mental health,
obsessive compulsive disorder,
Canterbury, Canterbury, Kent, UK
Saturday, 25 October 2014
Brighton bound!
Saturday 25th October '14
So today we dove back to Brighton and had a lovely day wandering around town, grabbing some lunch and having a lazy evening in!
Freya is originally from Brighton so it's lovely to take the hour and a half drive back when we get the chance to say hello to her family and also explore the wonderful town it is!
I've been treated to lots of wonderful things today from shopping! Lucky ME!
Including Fernando here! He's awesome!
We started the day with the drive and went straight to park in town, which is not recommended on a bustling Saturday. Bought some lovely clothes from Pull & Bear, I treated the missus to some things, and also did some shopping in Topshop and bought some cute new ear jewellery from Puncktured! Brighton's top piercing studio! I'm sure I'll be showing you at some point! Maybe even start doing an outfit of the day? Maybe anyways!
I love walking around Brighton and especially down the Laines with all of the independent and quirky shops, we stopped off for some lunch in the cutest cafe called Kensington's, I had hunters chicken, and Freya had avocado and halloumi salad! We sat overlooking the Laines and people watched in the afternoon! We also bought some completely AWESOME Adventure Time slippers, from a cute little shop called Snoopers Paradise in Brighton - it's a retro and 2nd hand emporium but also has some amazing new stalls! Check these bad boys out!
I'm feeling pretty random today, so here are some wacky facts for you. They're going to boggle your mind! Complete nonsense.
1. The dates 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, and 12/12 all fall on the same day of the week during any one year.
2. The official color of the universe is “Cosmic Latte” (#FFF8E7).
3. A Swedish couple named their kid “Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116.” The name is pronounced “Albin.”
4. In 1938, Adolf Hitler was Time magazine’s Man of the Year and in 1939, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
5. There are no clocks in Las Vegas casinos.
6. Some people claim an episode of Johnny Bravo predicted 9/11.
7. A “dancing plague” killed people in Strasbourg in 1518.
8. Harry Nilsson’s song “Coconut” (“she put the lime in the coconut,” etc.) has only one chord in the entire song. It’s the only song without any chord changes to land on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
9. Applying a male’s underarm sweat to a female’s lips can help women relax, boost their mood and help regulate their menstrual cycle.
10. When a male honeybee climaxes during sex, his testicles explode and he dies.
11. The USSR requested a clear-colored Coca-Cola in the 1940s so that it looked like vodka.
12. Caligula, the emperor of Rome from 37 to 41 CE,ordered his troops to go to war with the sea.
13. Technically speaking, a female dude is a “dudine.”
14. Tiger sharks’ fetuses fight, and sometimes cannibalize, each other in the womb. The survivor is born.
15. If you eat a polar bear liver, you’ll probably die.
16. Shoppers are far more likely to buy French wine when French music is playing in the background of a store, and German wine when German music is playing.
17. The national anthem of Greece has 158 stanzas.
18. Marilyn Monroe had a higher IQ (163) than that of Albert Einstein (160).
19. Sloppy doctors’ handwriting accounts for 7,000 deaths a year.
20. The Tyrannosaurus rex lived closer in time to humans than to stegosauruses.
21. The word “facetiously” contains all five vowels and “y” in alphabetical order.
22. Honey doesn’t spoil, ever.
23. Dragonflies have shovel-shaped penises so they can scoop out their rivals’ sperm.
24. The “S” in Harry S. Truman doesn’t stand for anything. His middle name was just S.
25. And finally… the brain named itself.
Weird Eh!
Oh and look! We also cuddled some Mice today! Freya's sister has 3 fancy mice - Gus, Marvin and Zaphod! Meet Marvin...
Tomorrow I think is going to consist of some more exploring and possibly a trip to the pier to try and win some prizes on the grabber machines! I'm a boss at those!
Last day off tomorrow before another week at work, so going to make the most of it for sure! Staying over in Brighton tonight and will probably drive back to Canterbury tomorrow afternoon, back in time for Monday! Oh and 2 weeks today it's my 19th Birthday! I'm actually pretty excited! We also spent today cleaning Freya's Mum's house! It was so rewarding and now it's SO clean! Happy Hannah!

Night Night Kids!
Friday, 24 October 2014
Chatting with Ed Sheeran
Friday 24th October '14
Hannah has worked until 9 today, though she did get a lie in at least, but she has whizzed through the door and got changed and now we've ordered a Chinese and she's off for a shower! Oooh, and I have a glass of wine, which is most important for a friday night. I'm not sure what to write here to be honest...I have my own blog, over at somewheresouthofcrazy.blogspot.com, so you can go see me write more frequently there! I have spent my day doing very mundane things, watching too much t.v and trying not to have a nap (as I know I will then not manage to fall asleep tonight!) Tomorrow we are off to Brighton for a night, as I am originally from there and my mum lives there, and it will probably just consist of too much shopping, enjoying my memory foam mattress which I miss hugely, and cuddling my cats, not that any of that is a bad thing! It might be nice to get away for a night, sometimes things can get overwhelming in the same environment, especially when a storm has passed...
I have known Hannah for a year and three months. For 14 of those months, we have been together, and for 8 months of those we have been engaged! I know I will spend my life with this lady, because of all of the little things you notice over time. That she squeals whenever she sees me naked! That she meows all the way up the stairs when she comes home. The way she snores, and the way she laughs when she's done something naughty, and the way she can hold her drink. Little things, they add up when you're in a long term relationship. I don't care much about big gestures of romance, I care about the small ones- when she gets me a card for no reason, or makes me dinner, or tidies the room for when I come home. In nine or so months we will be moving into a place of our own, just us two and a menagerie of animals! I cannot wait, it's going to go so slowly until we reach that point, it always does when you're waiting for something exciting. We get married in a year and ten months! So much exciting stuff. We have an amazing future planned!
So, back over to me now! Hope you're all good, and thank you so so much to Freya for helping me to add some to my blogpost today, today has been so long and busy that I haven't had time to write a whole lot and I am sorry for that! But hey, today has been pretty good, I worked and 12pm through 9pm shift, tiring yes but at least I'm done now, and I have the weekend off!
I've been performing really well at work today and have done the best in Canterbury! Oh and no biggie but I spoke to Ed Sheeran today and he was awesome!
Today is join to be quick from me but don't forget that I'm off this weekend so will be alot more fun and interesting!
Todays bird of the day is going to be the Little Owl. I call the missus my Little Owl, because I mean, look how cute! This small owl was introduced to the UK in the 19th century. It can be seen in the daylight, usually perching on a tree branch, telegraph pole or rock. It will bob its head up and down when alarmed. In flight it has long, rounded wings, rapid wingbeats and flies with a slight undulation.
Breeding Bird Survey data suggest that Little owl numbers are declining, with the UK population estimated to be down by 24 per cent between 1995 and 2008.
So that's all from me and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Speak to you tomorrow!
mental health,
obsessive compulsive disorder,
Canterbury, Canterbury, Kent, UK
Thursday, 23 October 2014
A bit too much?
Thursday 23rd October '14
Ahoy Hoy! (that was the intended greeting when answering the phone) Fun fact of the day eh! So I hope you're all okay! Today has been another kinda busy one, work from 10am-7pm and man it gets dark early, plus the clocks go back an hour at the weekend - don't forgot!Today has been a bit stressful, trying to sort out things left over from a pervious house, and also this house! So I've been feeling a bit all over the place, but at least work has kept me occupied, and thank goodness it's all been sorted out now, I cannot tell you the relief that I am feeling! Let's move on and get on with things, no use dwelling and when things get sorted out, make the most of it and progress with yourself and with life!
Sometimes things really do get tough, tougher than you could ever have imagined but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and yea thats cliche but it's true kiddos!

When I got home I wanted to cuddle up with our teddies too but I didn't know which one to pick, then it occurred to me we have way too many... Like look - I took a photo of just the ones that we have out in our room, and goodness, I think we have enough! Some are new some are all, but all are loved and no matter what anyone says, maybe they really do come to life like in Toy Story. Shhh, I'm allowed to believe that! Today really is going to be a short one as I'm completely knackered from working pretty late, that's nothing on tomorrow though, I'm in from 12pm-9pm.
So one more day of work tomorrow, then off to Brighton where the missus is originally from for the weekend, just to have a little bit of time away and also spend some time exploring and going shopping! We all need that sometimes. I can't wait and then on Saturday it's 2 weeks until my 19th birthday, and then were going back up north to see all of my family for a whole week, we have more tattoos booked in and I just can't wait, that's what's keeping me going right now and I really want to skip ahead to there right now, I miss my family so so much.

Today's bird of the day is going to be, a Magpie.
Magpies seem to be jacks of all trades - scavengers, predators and pest-destroyers, their challenging, almost arrogant attitude has won them few friends. Non-breeding birds will gather together in flocks. There Latin name is Pica Pica, they are found across the whole of the UK, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Island and you'll be able to see them all year round.
Night Night lovelies it's time to go and snuggle in bed and go and play the Sims 4!
Catch you Later!
obsessive compulsive disorder,
Canterbury, Canterbury, Kent, UK
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
It's a weird world
Wednesday 22nd October '14
Howdy! It's that time of the day again! As you may have gathered I've been at work all day, a 9:30am-6:30pm shift today and dude todays been hard. I woke up feeling drained and lost and well, the opposite to what you want to after an alright nights sleep eh!I've been sleeping pretty well recently and I dunno I had that thought as when I was watching a documentary there was a stat that made me wonder, it was that "2,400 people are currently living hopeless in the UK (people whom of which are accountable for)" Now I know that figure doesn't sound like that many at all but also that homeless figure is a 37% increase from last year, that's crazy!
I mean I know things can be hard sometimes, but at least I've got a roof over my head and if times are tough I'm am surrounded by people who are able to support me and that's incredible, I really will never stop feeling lucky that I am able to say that I'm in that situation! If you are the same as me then make sure that you do appreciate that, because that may not be there always, or never there for some people. Today's going to be a shortish one as I've been very busy!
<--- Look at the cat!
Oh and below is another one of my favourite comics, especially I have had quite a few comments in the past about the size of my thighs, and yes, they're muscly, but in no way are they big! I've been kickboxing for just shy of 6 years, and yes, that involves lot's of kicking, so yes, that will therefore increase the size of my thigh muscles. To those people who believe that it is "fat" then they best be thankful that I don't have a watermelon on me most of the time as this would be my first reaction. I love my body and I am proud of it and you will not change my mind. Maybe I should start carrying around large watermelons...
Oh and before I pop off I would like to also share with you an unconventional love letter that I wrote to my fiancee. I hope you like it?
Love isn’t just the sound of the birds singing in the mornings,
It’s equally the way you squeeze my hand as you see a tiny bird lifeless at the side of the road.
It’s not being made breakfast in bed on cosy Sunday mornings,
As much as it’s the crumpets that are still cold in the middle but you’re too polite to say so.
It’s part and parcel of all things.
Love can be pretty crap.
Really it can be, and not in regards to it being something that should be avoided.
Dear lord it’s incredible,
It makes you want to scream with pride,
But equally burst with pain,
When the words just won’t leave your mouth,
When you aren’t given the chance to explain,
When you think you’re doing the right thing,
But god, it’s the complete opposite.
It’s difficult,
But love is something that if it’s true, it shows.
You could be fighting and arguing so much it seems like it may never end.
But love is that tingle in your chest when, even if they’re shouting, never goes away.
The serious conversations that are broken with side glances and funny faces.
Everything is made up of it.
Man, it’s annoying as hell,
But at the same time, makes it the best feeling imaginable.
I was asked to write an unconventional love letter, and I don’t think I’ve done so well, but I’m sorry.
We’re both hurting, we both have red eyes and tear stained cheeks,
I’m not romanticising pain, the opposite.
It’s the worst.
To not know what to say to your sweetheart when you need to most.
Wanting to run a mile and jump into the sea but also curl up beside them,
It’s a horrible in between,
I’m not questioning my love.
Just my judgement.
I can’t judge you sometimes,
It seems like your so distant,
But every single time we feel this way,
We are drawn back,
That’s love, that’s all I care about.
So that’s it I guess.
Dude, you’re crazy as hell sometimes,
But I’d never change that.
Just don’t forget.
We may be crazy and we may be lost. But we’re lost together and I hope that’s enough for you, Because that’s plenty for me.
An unconventional love letter?
Here are some links to my social media platforms too incase you were interested to follow me :) -
Instagram - HannahLy0n
The Finacee's - Instagram
Last but not least cherubs, it's time for bird of today, todays choice is...

Anway, Time for bed and I shall see you tomorrow!
mental health,
obsessive compulsive disorder,
Canterbury, Canterbury, Kent, UK
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Reasons to smile + eating naked
Tuesday 21st October '14
6:30am and my alarm went off, well that's a lovely way to start the day, I sleepily got myself ready for work and dragged myself out to the car. Oh and it's so beautiful that early in the morning! The cold now that the autumn is coming! The smell of the cold crisp air, and most of all the quietness. It's so cosy to stay in bed on those days but do try and see the outside world early in the morning - it's incredible.
Work has been okay today, I've had hot chocolate and jaffa cakes left on my desk for me, also some polishing spray! My lovely manager knows me too well, I feel so welcome there and I never actually thought that work could be that awesome!
I've been thinking a lot today about publications I've seen about mental health and people wanting to take their own lives and it just makes my heart sink, I'm not going to try and lecture anyone or tell you that you have to stay, I'm going to list so many reasons that I've found and written that will most likely make you happy and some little reasons to stick around, comment anymore that you'd add!
Here it goes -
- The way rain makes the world smell
- Making someone smile
- Going to concerts
- Being able to say ‘I did it’
- Being able to say ‘I won’
- Proving all the people who said that you can’t wrong.
- To eat new foods.
- Progress
- The way you feel when you finally get to bed after a long day
- Soft blankets
- Pets
- Speaking to people you love
- Family
- Warm showers
- Yummy food
- Nice hugs
- Baby animals
- Laughing until you cry
- Meeting Internet friends in real life
- The way the sky looks before it rains
- Hugging your favourite stuffed animal
- Feeling the sun on your face
- Visiting new places
- Cheesy pick up lines
- New flowers blooming in the spring
- To find something to believe in
- New music from your favourite bands
- The smell and taste of fresh baked cookies
- Hot tea on a cold day
- getting a new piercing or tattoo
- Snuggling with someone you love
- Having someone say, “Because of you, I didn't give up..”
- Being able to say “I told you I could do it”
- Friends you haven’t met yet
- Eating ice cream from the tub
- Because you’re strong enough to pull through
- Travelling
- Today will soon be a memory
- Bath bombs
- The smell of old books
- Tomorrow may be forgotten
- Waking up early to realise you can sleep in that day
- Finishing school
- Being able to be one of those people others look up to
- Getting the good kind of butterflies in your stomach
- Forgiveness
- Movie marathons
- Books yet to be read
- Watching raindrops chase each other down windows
- Gardening
- Building snowmen
- Surfing
- Learning a new skill you’ve always wanted to have
- Big comfy sweaters
- Awesome new video games
- New technology
- Creating art
- Perfecting your eye liner
- Doodling
- Being surrounded my people who love you
- Drawing eyes that match
- Water fights
- Disney movies
- Random acts of kindness
- Sleep overs
- Looking through old photo albums
- Crunching Autumn Leaves
- Not wearing pants
- Lying naked beside someone
- Death will wait
- Shooting stars
- Puzzles
- Learning to play a new instrument
- Listing situations you didn’t need that thing they’re making you learn in maths
- Writing poetry
- Visiting libraries and reading in the quiet spaces
- Fluffy slippers
- Horse riding
- Books you can’t put down
- Learning to cook your favourite meal
- Orgasms
- Water colour paints
- The smell of your favourite plants
- Tattoos you want to get
- All the books you haven’t read
- Freshly cleaned bed sheets
- Singing Disney songs
- Drawing on steamed up windows
- Puppies
- Songs that make you happy
- Cuddles with cats
- Making other people smile
- The cute noises that babies make
- The look on your animals face when you come home for the day
- Giving a little kid a present that they wanted
- The autumn air
- Kissing
- Warm baths
- Movies you used to watch as a kid
- Talking in funny accents
- Small victories
- Finishing a long assignment
- Long walks in the summer
- Sunsets
- Sunrises
- The sea
- Getting to say ‘I do'
- Getting to watch the new series of your favourite TV show or getting to a sequel to your favourite movie
- Listening to your favourite music
- Daydreaming about a world you would love to live in
- Jumping into cold water on a hot day
- Taking a hot shower after playing in the snow.
- Snow ball fights
- Hot chocolate on cold days (or tea or coffee, which ever you like best)
- Bands and artists you love but haven’t seen yet
- The day you can get out of that town and away from these people
- Making little kids (or other people) smile
- Oceans you haven’t swam in
- Adventures you haven’t gone on
- Roasting marshmallows and setting them on fire
- Warm blankets fresh from the dryer
- Playing in the rain
- Every new year when you feel like you have a new start
- Every morning you wake up in a good mood
- Every day you laugh at something small
- Someone that makes you laugh
- Anything
So if you're having a crappy day please don't give up. I've not got many ideas to write about tonight and I'm sorry if this is boring! But even if you don't have the energy thats okay, it's okay disappear and come back to things later, you're existing and that's hard!
Sorry that I haven't had much to talk about to due to work, oh a bought a new shirt though!
It's late now and I'm up early again tomorrow so wish me luck, I've been busy running errands this evening so hopefully tomorrow will also be a bit more interesting.
I wrote a little poem for the missus and I quite like it so, here it is if you wanna have a little look!
You don’t say “I love you” like any one else can.
You say it in a way that grasps my heart.
The soothing words lace my ears.
It takes away any worry instantly.
Would it be too much to say those words mean everything to me.
If that was all you ever said, I would have no troubles at all.
I’m overcome with warmth.
A feeling that never leaves.
Even in the darkest nights.
Those words trace my mind and then everything starts to settle again.
I love you.
You’re all I ever need.

Have a great tomorrow lovelies and catch ya later!
mental health,
obsessive compulsive disorder,
Canterbury, Canterbury, Kent, UK
Monday, 20 October 2014
Urgh Monday...
Monday 20th October '14
So you all know what day it is! Happy Monday!
Well, hopefully it's happy one for you - even if you're sat there on a constant drip of coffee and losing the will to live even though you've only been awake for 5 minutes, then that's okay!

So today was the day... I moved desks, it finally happened and it's worked out a lot better than I first thought! So long story short, to be honest, the desk I was supposed to be moving too the computer there was broken, so I was then moved to another one and oh my gosh yay, right at the back of the office, next to the window and so nice and quiet! I cannot describe how happy I am, I spent the majority of the morning cleaning it yes, but lord it was filthy! Not anymore though it's pristine! Then the panic washed over me "this isn't permanent, this is temporary" and seriously that was scary, I know that sounds stupid, I know that but it's ridiculous how pathetic I am! But along with a desk change we changed managers, and he is lovely! He brought me a can of red bull as I had just finished mine, when something was sold or done well I got high fives or hugs and he is just wonderful. I know that sounds cheesy and what not but, it's lovely to actually be praised for doing good work as apposed to it going unnoticed. Oh and he's let me stay at this desk. He is now my favourite! There's that saying isn't there, that goes "A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected". Hopefully I can prove that?
So I'm maybe a litre bit too happy about such a little things, but it is the little things that matter! Oh and I did say "long story short, maybe not".
Oh and if you don't feel appreciated, then you are, even by people who don't show it, they may not know how to, but even if you don't believe that - I appreciate you, you're incredible and you are here now and even if that's a struggle, look, you're doing it!
The most important things can sometimes only be the smallest and it's important to remember those, even just taking 20 minutes in a day to sit down and read or have a cuppa, even to call your parents, or friend or family member, and tell them how crap your day was or how shitty one of your colleagues is. To just do some of those little things can be much more relaxing than just trying to hold it in and hope that it disappears, and even if you don't feel like you can talk to anyone then I'm always here!
Life really is beautiful and it can take a while to realise that, but it truly is! Please don't give up and if you're feeling not so good today, then this is your sign that someone is think about you and believes in you, yes you, you're awesome!
I'm struggling to write today and I think Monday's just drained me, well I need to up for 6:30am tomorrow morning, and the prospect of that, let's just not think about that now shall we.
Okay kids, that's enough for today I think, I'm spewing out nonsense as it is so let's not do much more!
Bird of the day today shall be... *drum roll please*

You'll probably always see them hopping around car parks! They are found mainly in Europe, UK and Asia! They love eating insects and also seeds in Autumn and Winter. You hardly see them on their own as they tend to stay in flocks of around 20 birds, and they're extremely noisy!
That's all darlings!
Stay safe and have a lovely day!
Speak tomorrow!
mental health,
obsessive compulsive disorder,
Canterbury, Canterbury, Kent, UK
Sunday, 19 October 2014
In-Between Sundays...
Sunday 19th October '14
<-- Photo today with me and the missus!
To be honest, we haven't really got upto anything special - but I guess that's the beauty of sundays really isn't it!
From the moment I woke up this morning my thoughts have been the same all day... "yay, tomorrow is Monday". But ya know, as crap as that is - I have a whole day to just do Sunday things. Today has included a nice walk into Canterbury town centre, grabbed a Starbucks for breakfast, boy I love going to Starbucks, they are all so wonderful in there, they know my name, my usual orders, ask how my day is going at work when I'm on my lunch break and it's just really lovely.
(Oh and a side note - as I'm in there practically everyday - I get alot of vouchers and entries to free coffee contests and lots of free tokens to spend in Starbucks - so I may start something on here to allow my readers to get their hands on some freebies! I mean if you're interested?)
But anyways - after a lovely spot of breakfast we wandered around town for a while, bought some fudge from the Fudge Kitchen - trying not to eat it all at once. Then went for a drive out to our closest beach - Whitstable, Kent, we loving going there - just to sit and watch the waves lap up over the pebbles. It's so releasing to be able to throw stones into the sea, feeling any unwanted feelings and stress go with the stones and vanish into the water. It is so wonderful to also distract me from any cleaning urges or not feeling in control which I think sometimes is why I feel the need to focus my energy on tidying up, but hey - lot's of energy is now being focused on my writing which I love.

- Quartz Qrystal - Overall balance of the Chakra System.
- Amethyst - It is Concerned with understanding knowledge, and mental organising.
- Sodalite - Communication, personal expression and the flow of information.
- Green Quartz - Deals with relationships and personal development.
- Citrine/ Yel Jade - Helps give self confidence and personal power.
- Hematite - It gives stability, energy distribution and survival.
- Agate - Its functions are creativity, feelings and sexual drive.

I'm not particularly looking forward to work tomorrow - I'm doing a 10am 'til 7pm shift - as great as having a little lie in is, I do prefer to do earlier shifts and finish earlier in the day but hey ho.
I'm sat here next to a Orange, Rose and Amber candle and it's making me feel even more sleepy than before. Today is an in-between day, it's hard to relax, it's hard to get things done. But all I do know is that now it's time to play Scrabble and drink some hot chocolate and make the most of a lazy evening in!
I'm sorry for how mismatched this post it just reflects the day that I've had and how my head feels.
Be sure to keep popping back though for posts everyday, and I'm sure I'll have some funny stories to tell you from work tomorrow oh and my new team, let's hope I can settle into my new desk okay! Oh god, now I'm worried about that!
Anyway kiddos - time for my bird of the day!

Barn Owls are just super cute and fluffy and aah, they're beautiful!
But that's it for now!
Hope you have a lovely evening and a good start to the new week - you can achieve anything!
See you tomorrow!
mental health,
obsessive compulsive disorder,
Canterbury, Canterbury, Kent, UK
Saturday, 18 October 2014
This is going to take some getting used to.
Saturday 18th October '14
So today's been a weird one... I guess a first day back at work always is.
But hey - it's a Saturday, that means dress down and well, this selfie a day might become a thing too.
Getting settled back in at your desk - vigorously cleaning it as said desk is filthy because someone decided to sit there whilst you were away. Repeatedly again cleaning said desk as god knows who sat there/ what they did/ eew was it that weird guy who sits with his hands down his pants, oh god maybe it was him, oh lord. But anyways besides the point - I work mainly on the telephone and if my mind being pre-occupied on the dirty desk wasn't enough, I was then stumbled when it came to answering the phone... "um hi" was the first thing I blurted out before my mind automatically reverted back to "work mode" and began spewing out generic "drilled into your head and never to be forgotten" scripts that seem to spin around my head when they needn't be there but the one time they do, like a lot of things I guess, "um hi" decides to make an appearance. Aren't I such a professional!
Along with the whole desk malarkey found out today that due to a team switch over I will be moving desks... "how wonderful" was obviously my first reaction, now I had to clean that one and get it fully organised and rearranged and, no no no, it isn't next to the window! I don't know about you but the one escape from an office environment, besides standing outside with the smokers on your break, trying to disguise your spluttering at the smoke as a tickle cough, it being there to gaze out of the window as the traffic flies past and people watch as you wait for a call to come through or even to just zone out whilst people ramble on at you. You had that freedom, to just alienate yourself in an instant. But now, I have to re-establish myself, this is going to be harder than it sounds. But change is good right?
"Dear Mr Window Seat, I hope your next occupant fully appreciates your skills and abilities as much as I do, I shall glance over as I walk past you on my way into work, but I won't think too much about you as this is hard enough for both of us without any added stress. I miss you dearly, I hope life treats you well. So long - Your Once Faithful Occupier."
Wow... That went a little bit further than I imagined. So I guess I loved that window seat in all its glory, I mean the same can't be said for aeroplane seats, but let's not go into that today! For both mine and your sakes!
Besides from work today I ate spaghetti hoops, called my parents for a chat at lunch (I miss them so much, they're still up North, but I see them soon for my birthday), snuggled with the hamster and my girl, that's all you need in an evening really! Oh and Freya cleaned the entire kitchen whilst I was work, I mean if that isn't something to come home to I don't know what is, that was such a relief!
I was almost too sleepy to write this but, I guess once you stop you can't pop, no wait... In all honesty I'm knackered and I'm surprised I'm still awake! But at least I have tomorrow off work - god, it's my first day back and I already have a day off!
But hey guys, I saw this today and I loved it - because come on, some days it is so ridiculously hard to pull yourself up and out of bed, and I mean even if you don't manage to do a whole lot, you've done so well to even just accomplish the tiniest of tasks. If all you have done today is lay in bed and surf the net or read this then, hey you, I'm proud of you!
So munchkins, even if you just do a few of those things today you have accomplished great things! Tomorrow you may manage more, or even less, but no matter how few or how little, well done.

So there we go, another day gone.
I'll see you again tomorrow, stay safe, stay cool and most of all stay you.
Have a lovely day kiddos!
Catch you later.
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